Friday, February 6, 2009

Emotional health for children

If you are a teacher or an educator, you will probably notice a trend. Children who do well academically are also often the more emotionally balanced ones, while those who do not do well academically also fare poorly in many other areas, including behaviour and attitude. What is the root cause of this?

The simple answer can be summed up in two words, “Emotional Baggage”. It is my experience that children who do poorly both academically and socially in school are often carrying the burden of unprocessed traumatic emotions. If processed properly using the right technique, children can dramatically shift their personality, attitudes, behaviour and even academic results.

There are two parts of the mind, the conscious mind which works in a logical and rational manner, and the subconscious mind, which continues to function without our active intervention and is responsible for our emotions.

Psychologists have determined that the years from 0 – 6 years are critical years in the child’s development. During this period of time, the conscious mind of the child is as yet undeveloped, and so children look to adults for the beliefs they will accept as their own. If a traumatic incident happens during this critical period, the incident can cause lasting damage to the child via the imprint of a limiting belief.

For example, say a child is always scolded “stupid” for doing anything which displeases the parents. This scolding causes unpleasant feelings and the child starts to cry. The parents, outraged, ask the child to shut up. In the process, the child bottles up the feelings which should have been fully felt and released.

Feelings and emotions which are not fully processed stay stuck within the body and the mind, manifesting as blocks to feelings (if in the body) and thinking (if in the mind). At the same time, they may take on the belief “I am stupid” and “I should never cry.” As years pass and more of these blocks are instilled, the child becomes less able to process certain thoughts and feelings, and this may result in poor academics and social skills eventually.

Since it is in the subconscious mind that the trauma resides, it is to the subconscious mind where the release must be made. That is why counselling/ talking/ lecturing/ reasoning/ scolding, which appeals only to the conscious mind, is often unable to reach these deep-seated emotional issues.

Currently, there are methods of resolving these traumas in children. One of the most effective I know is called The Journey for Kids. You can refer to the website at There is currently one practitioner in Singapore, Tay Siang Hui and she can be reached at 94898956 or

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